Platinum IRA

We are also proud to offer our clients coins and precious metals for your IRA, which includes the addition of platinum pieces you see before you. We’ve partnered with a range of trusts and experts such as New Direction IRA, Equity Trust, GoldStar Trust and Strata Trust amongst others to offer the perfect package when it comes to IRAs.

And that’s the lowest cost and quickest setup and maintenance.

We even have a range of IRA experts who you can speak to with any queries you have surrounding setting up a precious metals IRA for your platinum products, or any questions about investing on a whole that you might have. You can book a free IRA appointment today to find out more on how you can boost your investment potential with platinum-based, precious metals IRAs.

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    Open a precious metals IRA account

    The first step to investing in a precious metals IRA is to open an account. The process can be completed quickly with all of your questions answered along the way.

    To get started, email us at

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    Fund your account

    Once you/we have opened your self-directed IRA account with us over the phone, your next step is to fund the account. If it is a new account, you will simply wire or transfer money to your existing IRA custodian or the new one you have selected during setup. If you are transferring or rolling over precious metals IRAs, speak to your custodian or us to ensure all steps are completed.

  • 3

    Buy gold or silverfor your IRA

    Once your account is funded, your custodian will notify us you have funds available and intend to use them to purchase coins for your IRA or other precious metals from Wall Street Metals. You are now ready to begin investing in precious metals through your IRA.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We work with a number of Platinum IRA custodians who provide “self-directed IRAs”, which allow the investor to purchase physical platinum bullion and receive the IRA tax benefits on the investment.

What is considered too volatile these days? Platinum prices can exhibit volatility just as any other commodity can. In addition, stocks can exhibit a large degree of volatility at times, as well. Price volatility can be important but may not be as big of a factor for someone buying physical platinum products that are not leveraged with the intention of holding them as long term investments.

We suggest that investors always do their own research and due diligence when looking at any market. That being said, a chart of platinum prices going back to the year 2000 does seem to exhibit an uptrend in prices. Platinum did have a major collapse in prices back in 2008 which some attributed to the auto industry crises, but platinum prices then began a quick recovery in price.

Although platinum will not always move with gold and silver, it often does as investors look to buy precious metals or sell precious metals. Of course, mining issues or other factors could potentially cause the price of platinum to move significantly different than the prices of gold or silver. In addition, platinum has different industrial uses that may affect prices. Platinum typically trades for a premium over gold prices.

In the USA, certain states have sales tax on platinum bullion products. Depending on which state you are located in, and where you purchase your silver, you may be liable to pay sales or use tax on the purchase.

Can’t find the answer you need? Book an appointment, or email us at

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